Classes for Term 2 start back next week from Monday 19th April. Here’s what’s on offer: Live Yoga classes for Levels 1,2 & 3; Level 2 Yoga in Audio format; Mindfulness Meditation Course and Staying Mindful Classes on Zoom.
Bookings are essential for all Live classes as numbers are still limited according to current Health guidelines. There’s only a few places left in each of the Yoga classes so book in now so you don’t miss out.
Special offer for those enrolled in a full term of classes for only $20 extra, receive a term of Level 2 classes by email in Audio format that you can do at home whenever is convenient for you and as many times a week as you like.
Improve your mental health with the Mindfulness Meditation Course for 7 weeks from 26th April. If enrolled for a term of Yoga pay only $110 for all classes, meditation recordings and notes. Here’s some of the feedback from past participants.
“This is a wonderful course. Sue brings her wealth of knowledge and calm gentle nature. I’m loving the difference it makes in my life.” Sue
“The recorded meditations were great, easy to learn and integrate, fantastic variety in their length and topics/aspects they each focused on. Thank you for giving us such a range of ways to explore and experience mindfulness stillness.” Pat
“My blood pressure has been steadily rising for months but it has magically returned to normal. The only difference in my life style has been mindfulness meditation!” Linda
“I am calmer, less anxious and being kinder to myself.” Paula
“I’m sleeping better and have more energy and motivation to get things done.” Jeanette
Hope to see you again at classes next term.