Yoga for Everybody has been organising and teaching various Yoga Workshops and Retreats for more than 20 years.

In October 2023 we had a very successful Qi Gong Workshop with Qi Gong Master Simon Blow. Due to popular demand this year he did another workshop in March and will return on 27th October to teach us another sequence.

Abosrbing the Essence one day Qi Gong workshop on Sunday 27th October 9.30am to 4pm at Bellambi Surf Club. During this workshop you will be expertly guided through the Wudang Longevity QiGong and the BaDuan Jin Nurturing Life QiGong seated form.

QiGong can help to cleanse the body of toxins, restore energy, reduce stress and anxiety and help to maintain a healthy and active life.

Monthly Relax and Unravel workshops have been very popular over the past couple of years and many of you have been asking about workshops in 2024. For now Jen is taking a break juggling a 3 year old, work and family health issues. When she’s ready to run them again info will be posted here and by E News.