Will yoga help me to relax?
Yes. The integration of practices taught in any class will release physical, mental and emotional tensions. The practice of Yoga Nidra taught in all classes is a profoundly deep relaxation practice that promotes rejeuvenation and healing.
How many students are in each class?
Since 2019 Covid we’ve all got used to having more space so the maximum number at any time is 15 students.
What happens if I miss a class during the term?
Any missed classes can be made up in a class at a similar level, any time during the same term, if space permits. Contact Sue to check: sue@yogaforeverybody.com.au
Can I come to classes on a casual basis?
Usually this is not possible as there would be no guarantee that there would be space in a class. Also attending yoga on a casual basis tends to develop a casual approach to yoga. More benefit is gained by attending a yoga class on a regular basis.
Do you teach on public holidays?
Yes during term time. If you are unable to attend your scheduled class due to the public holiday it can be made up in a class at a similar level, any time during the same term if there is space.
Do you offer concessions?
Yes for Pensioners and students.
If anyone is on a low income and cannot afford the full price for classes it is also possible to get a concession. We don’t want lack of finances to stop anyone from having access to yoga.
What sort of yoga do you teach?
A classical style of yoga that provides everybody of all ages, sizes, ability and from all walks of life, with practical tools for health, peace of mind and an inspired vision for their lives. Practices are taught systematically and safely with an emphasis on developing self awareness and aims to integrate all aspects of our being. The yoga Sue teaches is an integral form of yoga that extends beyond the yoga mat and the skills that are learnt in the yoga class can be applied in everyday life.
This style of yoga is based on traditional yoga practices adapted to suit our modern lifestyle. It encompasses many forms of yoga including Bhakti, Hatha, Karma, Jnana, Mantra, Raja and can be tailored to suit the individual needs of the student.
I'm not very flexible, will I be able to do the yoga?
Yes, this style of yoga is suitable for all levels of fitness and practices are taught systematically and safely with an emphasis on developing an awareness of your own body’s needs and limitations. Students are encouraged to work within their own comfort and to modify practices according to their needs and abilities.
Do you have older people in your classes? / I'm not so young any more will I be able to do the class?
Yes many older people attend the classes, with quite a few in their 80’s. Older students have found the yoga helpful in releasing tightness and stiffness, aches and pains and they’ve felt more relaxed and their sleep has improved. Since 2000 I’ve annually taught a month of yoga to the local Older and Bolder Group who are in their 60’s – 90’s.
Do you teach meditation?
Yes. In the Level 1 classes meditation is introduced as a lying relaxation practice. In all other yoga classes various sitting meditation practices are taught.
Can children come to your classes?
Yes. It’s recommended that children under 18 years attend with a parent/relative.
As the classes are not specifically designed for children it will depend on the individual child whether they feel comfortable in a class with adults. It’s essential that it is a child’s choice to attend yoga.